Are you ready to sell your cards on eBay? Before listing anything, make sure to search your card on Mavin to get a price estimate based on cards similar to your own. Once you’re satisfied that you’ve found the best price, you can list your card knowing you have valued your card appropriately. If you’re ready to sell but not sure what to do, read on to see our beginner tips for selling items online.
How to Grade Your Sports Cards
The condition of a card has a huge impact on what it’s worth. A card that has been professionally graded at a 10 is worth many times more than a graded card at 3.5. Some imperfections in the card may be obvious, a rounded corner or a crease in the card. Other issues take a years of experience and a trained eye to pick up on. This article covers the basics… centering, corners, surface, and edges. Continue reading “How to Grade Your Sports Cards”
What are your cards worth?
Like any other market, sports and gaming cards are governed by the laws of supply and demand. The scarcity of a card determines its price… how rare it is and how many people want it. This article talks about the factors that determine a cards value, and how to determine what your cards are worth TODAY. Continue reading “What are your cards worth?”