Autographed Baseball Values

Use Mavin to search for what your autographed baseball’s are worth.

You’ll need these details:

  1. Enter the name of the person who autographed the baseball. If multiple people signed it, enter the most famous name. Don’t list all the names, you may get too few results.
  2. Enter the phrase signed ball.

For example Mickey Mantle signed ball

Mavin returns autographed baseballs matching your search that have recently sold. The “worth” is the average value of the results… so if you get too many search results not like yours, use the checkboxes to pick a few that match your ball. This gives you a much more accurate estimate of the value of your autographed baseball.

Authenticity has a big impact on value.

Most buyers want proof the signatures on the ball are authentic. You must be able to prove the signatures on the ball came from the players themselves. Most people don’t have video proof of the player signing the ball, so we send the balls in to a professional authentication service like PSA or BGS. Authenticated baseballs will be encapsulated (to prevent tampering) and come with a COA, Certificate of Authenticity. Signed baseballs with a COA from a reputable company fetch a much higher price than ones that haven’t been authenticated.

For example…

Let’s say I want to buy this Mickey Mantle signed baseball… and I want to know what it’s worth so I can be sure to get a good deal.

Mickey Mantle signed baseball

I look it up on by searching for “Mickey Mantle signed ball” and I get a bunch of results. A lot of results are for balls that come with a COA. My ball isn’t authenticated. I scroll through the results and pick a few using the checkboxes. I pick ones that are in the same condition and that don’t come with a COA.

Choosing comparables to get estimated value of Mickey Mantle autographed baseball.

I choose a few “comparables” that are good matches and Mavin generates the average price of what those balls recently sold for. The average price IS NOT what someone is asking… it’s what they actually sold for. Important distinction. You can see what people are trying to sell signed baseballs for by clicking on the “For Sale” link at the top.

After looking up what it’s worth, I’m confident I can get a better deal online. I’ll pass on this signed baseball and look for another deal!

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