This week’s blog comes from a guest writer, Tony L., who has his own baseball card blog: Off Hiatus Baseball Cards. After you’re done reading his advice on getting back into collecting, we encourage you to geek out over at his site for more fantastic articles!
I know you. Okay, I don’t “know” know you, but I know that you’re here at So, I probably have a pretty good idea that either (a) you are a current baseball card collector checking out this new website with free card values or (b) you are a lapsed collector who started thinking about their old baseball cards and wondered if those cards you socked away in 1992 really could pay for your kids to get through college or (c) your children/parents collected cards 20+ years ago and you are trying to find out how much, exactly, a 1991 Donruss Ron Robinson card might be worth these long 25 years later.
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