Are you ready to sell your cards on eBay? Before listing anything, make sure to search your card on Mavin to get a price estimate based on cards similar to your own. Once you’re satisfied that you’ve found the best price, you can list your card knowing you have valued your card appropriately. If you’re ready to sell but not sure what to do, read on to see our beginner tips for selling items online.
Twitter’s Tips and Insights for Collectors
After hearing such great feedback about Tony L.’s article last week, we asked our Twitter followers for some hot tips for card collectors. Our followers weighed in on everything from card shows to eBay selling/buying tips and we’re eager to share their insight about the hobby. Below are some of the best tips we received on card collecting:
Selling on eBay:
Are you one of the thousands of people who visit our site and wonder what to do with the cards you’ve found in your basement? First, you’re not alone. Second, we suggest using Card Mavin to search for the value of the cards (it’s free and easy). If you do happen to have some cards with some market value, you may be able to sell those online.
Continue reading “Twitter’s Tips and Insights for Collectors”
Advice For Getting Back Into Card Collecting
This week’s blog comes from a guest writer, Tony L., who has his own baseball card blog: Off Hiatus Baseball Cards. After you’re done reading his advice on getting back into collecting, we encourage you to geek out over at his site for more fantastic articles!
I know you. Okay, I don’t “know” know you, but I know that you’re here at So, I probably have a pretty good idea that either (a) you are a current baseball card collector checking out this new website with free card values or (b) you are a lapsed collector who started thinking about their old baseball cards and wondered if those cards you socked away in 1992 really could pay for your kids to get through college or (c) your children/parents collected cards 20+ years ago and you are trying to find out how much, exactly, a 1991 Donruss Ron Robinson card might be worth these long 25 years later.
Continue reading “Advice For Getting Back Into Card Collecting”
Collector’s Conundrum: When was the first baseball card issued?
#TriviaThursday: When was the first baseball card issued? (bonus points if you can tell us the player) #thehobby
— Card Mavin (@CardMavin) March 17, 2016
There’s something thrilling about tracing the history of a card and finding out new trivia. That’s part of the reason we collect. We recently polled our Twitter followers to see if they could tell us when the first baseball card was issued. Their options were 1886, 1891, 1901, and 1897. As it turns out, it wasn’t so easy to give them the right answer. The history of the first baseball card is contested, and searching for the answer will give you largely different results. Here’s what we found:
Continue reading “Collector’s Conundrum: When was the first baseball card issued?”
Sports Card Price Guides
You can spend lots of money buying price guides, or waste lots of time searching online… or use this simple tool. We’ll show you how to quickly get an accurate estimate of what your cards are worth.
Collectors who are active in #thehobby have a general idea of what their cards are worth, and if they need to do a price check they usually have a go-to source for pricing information; either a Beckett magazine, a book, or website. If you’re new to collecting, or just getting back into the hobby, you’ll need to find your source for pricing information. This article the most popular ways collectors look up the value of their cards. Continue reading “Sports Card Price Guides”
How to Grade Your Sports Cards
The condition of a card has a huge impact on what it’s worth. A card that has been professionally graded at a 10 is worth many times more than a graded card at 3.5. Some imperfections in the card may be obvious, a rounded corner or a crease in the card. Other issues take a years of experience and a trained eye to pick up on. This article covers the basics… centering, corners, surface, and edges. Continue reading “How to Grade Your Sports Cards”